-I think its time for me to just do my thing here, and go when i'm done.... Manusia lumrahnya bila da jumpa kawan, kawan lain akan dilupakan...
-Yes, maybe im too sensitive bout it and they might say 'ada ku kesah?', but they wont feel what i felt until they were in my shoe....
-Enough sebab dulu time pregnant, aku da cukup terluka with few people, here in my ofis.... Now i just want to laugh again.... i want to forget the previous....
-Dulunya makan sama2, jalan sama2, huhahuha sama2, but now im invisible.... Why? I dont know why... When? Starting from 3 Oct.... Who? hmmmm....? ... Where? Di tanah semenanjung yg serba luas ni.....
-People wont realized what they've done til sendiri terkena........ But yes, like i said before, i think maybe its better for me to become me, again..... sitting here at my desk, doing things, 12pm go out for lunch, 2pm come back to opis, and finally 4.30pm, blah...........
-i dont have any attention to critized other people, just want to make my soul+my mind clear from this matter....
-Once again, a reminder for me, Ijang just be yourself... Do ur own thing... Dont think other problems except ur family, ur work and ur future.... Frens come and go.... and dis moment i miss wilma, hasliza ezanti and haida sooo much... wish they were here next to me right now..
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