-Yes, thats right.. Im very happy with my life.. I have two adorable daughters... What else i need? Having Auni and Auji is like the best thing that ever happenend in my life.....
-Maybe theres a 'sok sek sok sek' sound like this, "Ijang, after this try to get anak lelaki pulak".... If i dont have a son, so what? Neither boy nor girl, its just the same (at least for me).....
-Boy or girl, if u didnt teach them well, soon they will become hmmmm u know...... It will just give u a headache... So forget about boy or girl, peeps... Concentrate to your children that exist.. Not dreaming about this or that.... Rezeki di tangan Allah,kan???
-And then, next question sound like this, "Ijang, bila nak pregnen lagik.."... Pregnant? Hello, dua tahun dua kali ok... Now I have Auni and Auji, enough... Let me rest 1st... At least i need my beauty sleep and let my 'peranakan aka rahim' 100% healthy 1st...
-Doc Fatimah (my gynea) once told me, peranakan aka rahim is like a farm... U need to give them baja and water them.... Once the farm in a very good condition, then it can give u the best production.. Same goes with this peranakan thing....
-Anyway, anyhow, im soooo happy and thankful to Allah S.W.T for blessing me with Auni and Auji... May Allah will protect them always in this world and also akhirat.... Amin...

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