*** For the last few weeks, i don't know why i suddenly i missed my school, my teachers, my friends, my classes, my school uniform (that white and blue kaler) and my lifestyles that period.... Maybe because now i'm quite busy with my work, and little bit stress about my life now... (no wonder a lot of young people die early, maybe of the stress.. choooiiiii, simpang malaikat!!!)
***Yes, it's true now i'm able to handle my own money from my salary, but my head, it's really in deep pain... Of coz during the old good days we are also busy doing our homework, busy study for all the tests & exams (UPSR+PMR+SPM), busy counting the time esp in Math class coz i hate math so much, but when i think back that moment, i wish i can turn back the time and have my second
life once again back to 1995-1999.....
***My classmates such as Rohaini, Rahmah, Rosehayati, Sylvester, Fendy, Nurafdzal, Erniesuwantri, Omar, Masarifah, Ratni, Kelvin, Vun Vui Fong and bla bla bla.. Damn, so many of them.... Some of them still in Sandakan, some of them in KK and some of them i dont know where they r dissapeared...
***Laugh, fight, jealousy, its all in me... Because of 'fitnah' and 'tikam belakang', i became jealous and lose my 2 very bestfriends that time.... SS and JJ... They will always in my heart forever... And the incident taught me not to listen to others without asking the truth first.... :-I
***I miss my training session with Cikgu Zain... Eventhough sometimes he gave me a really tough training, but he always with me during happy and sorrow moments... He will always be there for me when i need someone .. Thanks Cikgu...
*** oooo, not forgetting Bibiana Sinimon, Liau Mei Lee, Khadijah Bakrin, Zulianah Ranjit, Asdizah Sahadan, Hamidah Daud. These were some of my friends during i representing Sandakan in Majlis Sukan-Sukan Daerah, Majlis Sukan-Sukan Negeri and bla bla bla... I miss to have a training together with them again...
***Aaaaarrggghhh, the time was running TOO fast.. Now i'm married but i still can feel like all that moments just happened last week.... I know i couldn't to turn back the time, but i just wish that i can feel that happiness again, if not now, maybe in future, hopefully........
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